The STC Leader Board is updated each month and it provides market insights about the major players in the solar energy sector.
Where do we source our data?
The Leaderboard is made up publicly available data sourced from the Rec Registry.
We scrape the data and sort by the date the solar system was registered on the Rec Registry. We do not use the installation date as the Rec Registry does not disclose this data.
We ignore aggregators of STC’s (like Formbay and Greenbank) as the Rec Registry does not disclose which installer an aggregator is acting on behalf of. To convert the quantity of STC’s to Watts of solar, we assume all of WA/NSW/SA/QLD are classified Zone 3, TAS/VIC Zone 4 and NT Zone 2. When converting the national leaderboard STC’s to Watts, we assume all installations occur in Zone 3. Please do your own analysis.
Disclaimer. The information provided in this report is of a general nature only and neither 3Quotes nor any of their affiliates guarantees its accuracy, completeness or fairness. 3Quotes makes no guarantees whatsoever to the accuracy of the report so do not rely on this report for any business decisions whatsoever.